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WM BLOGFood Friday

Food Friday | Baking & Wine



BakingWhen you pair your at-home baking projects with wine - then you're really living the good life. But with endless options for sweets and flavours, it can be difficult to know what wine would match. Which is why we're talking all things baked goods and wine pairing!It seems like everyone on social media has been baking their way through 2020. And after scrolling through endless banana bread and sourdough posts, we’re left with a strong craving for freshly baked goods. And we're all about an at-home activity you can eat... and drink.😉

But before we start let's Talk a bit about Dessert Wines. Often people hear 'dessert wine' and think they're wines you have with dessert. But actually, dessert wine is meant to be the dessert. Typical dessert wines are very rich, usually sweet, often fortified (where grape brandy is added), and meant to be enjoyed in small glasses and sipped like a fine Scotch. There are exceptions like pairing a fortified red dessert wine, such as Sherry or Port, with small chocolate or after-dinner cheese plate. But typically pairing such a rich sweet wine with a big heavy sweet dessert would probably put you in a sugar coma. And hey, if that's you're thing, you do you. But for most people, we recommend sipping dessert wine and enjoying all the flavours that can fit in such a tiny glass.

Now, getting back to why you're here, dessert and wine pairings! Here's a guide for what wine to pair with a few common at-home baked goods:


B A N A N A . B R E A D : A simply delicious and super quick to make bread that's been the star of quarantine baking. But what do you drink with it? We recommend either going with a sweet wine (if that's your thing) or something sparkling! Like the Blanc de Blanc Brut by Marie Motzenbäcker. With very fine fruits that meet playful acidity and turn it into what sparkling wine should be - a refreshing drink. Definitely try one of our absolute favourites and incredibly good with banana bread!



 C I N N A M O N . R O L L S : Who doesn't love a warm, sticky-sweet cinnamon roll? My mouth is watering just thinking about it... We really love this classic baked good because it's simple to make and is an acceptable way to have dessert for breakfast. And as long as you’re indulging, there’s no reason not to drink some wine with your dessert breakfast. The Crémant De Limoux Brut from Domaine La Louviere is the perfect match for cinnamon rolls (or any sweet brunch dish for that matter). A fantastic French sparkling wine that makes everyday feel like a celebration - because fancy wine doesn't always need fancy food, sometimes elevating breakfast at home is just the thing.



B R O W N I E S : Just like a pan of perfectly cooked brownies, Merlot is a real crowd-pleaser. Hearty, filling, and of course, chocolatey, brownies are the best baking project for beginners. And what is chocolate without wine? We'd recommend a red blend with a rich velvety texture like a Merlot or Malbec. Juwel - Cuvée Red from Juliane Eller Weine is a fantastic choice. A blend of Merlot and Pinot Noir, it has a lighter body and sweetish taste with flavours of cherry and gelato that would match deliciously with brownies. Or for something with more depth, try the Mellow Malbec from WineMood Wines. Velvety, deep, and soft, this wine is like a liquid hug that complements a rich chocolaty brownie.



S W I S S . R O L L : The Hong Kong version of the Swiss roll is usually light, fresh, and comes in all kinds of flavour varieties. With the most popular being the original made with a whipped cream filling, chocolate and mango. Our newest bubbly wine, the Daydrinking Sparkling from Hörner is the perfect match for this beloved HK sweet. This wine was made for celebrating the everyday moments, like enjoying a sweet childhood favourite and reminiscing on happy memories. This wine is light, fruity, and everyone loves - just like the Swiss Roll!


Shop all the wines mentioned in this post and other recommendations for wines that pair with baked goods in our Dessert Wine & Food page!



昰哪一刻令好酒變成完美?那便昰你享用該酒的那一瞬間了。反之亦然。這是Wine Moments的概念。我們希望你可以在任何場合,時刻和需要時找到合適的葡萄酒。 為了讓你能更加了解我們以及理解好酒與其匹配時刻結合的重要性,我們將舉辦品酒會。 我們會提供好的葡萄酒和與其匹配的理想時刻。 所以請來看看我們的活動吧!


