While most people don't typically think about pairing Vietnamese with wine, they're actually a great match! Vietnamese food is derived from centuries of occupation by the Chinese and the French, which give it a natural fusion of different cuisines. With a combination of exotic spices, acidic fruits like lime, and all the delicate fresh flavours, the key to the right pairing is choosing a wine that will complement, not compete.We're big fans of Vietnamese cuisine and all it's different sweet, spicy, and herbaceous flavours - so we're grateful there are many incredible Vietnamese restaurants in Hong Kong to choose from! And since we desperately miss being able to travel to Vietnam, we'll settle for a 'taste' of this flavourful country (via delivery). So for today's #foodfriday we're walking you through the best wines to go with popular Vietnamese dishes!
Here's our little guide for what wine to pair with several popular Vietnamese dishes:
W I N E . P A I R I N G
Fresh Veggies & Rice Paper Rolls: Dishes like fresh vegetables or rice paper rolls match well with a nice rosé wine like this Rosé from Hinterbichler. These two make a great match as they're both light and crisp, so a nice easy-drinking rosé will help bring out all the intricate flavours of the fresh ingredients. And yes, this wine does have an extremely striking colour, but despite what you'd usually expect, this rosé is relatively dry and easy-drinking. Oh, and if you're going for a spicy dipping sauce, the touch of sweetness in this wine is the perfect way to balance out the fire in your mouth.

Fried Fish, Chicken, & Fried Spring Rolls: With all things fried, reach for a wine like this Sauvignon Blanc from Easy Wines or the First Sighting Sauvignon Blanc from Strandveld Vineyards. These wines have a refreshing taste, flavours of yellow-green fruits, and very fine acidity that make them a perfect match for fried foods. And actually, Sauvignon Blanc is generally a great all-rounder for most Vietnamese dishes because the acidity pairs well with the delicate nature of the food.
Meat Dishes: The meat dishes of Vietnam are typically delicate and use all those fabulous herbs so you'll again want a light-bodied wine so it doesn't overpower the dish. This Pinot Noir from Karl May is a great choice since it's an elegant wine with subtle flavours that will match with the herbal and sweet notes of Vietnamese dishes rich in cilantro and basil.