Drink'n'Ride - Alochol-Free Wine

Alcohol-Free - Bubbly - Brilliant
There are plenty of times when you want to celebrate with some champagne but would like to skip the alcohol - maybe you're the driver, wanting something for your pregnant friend, or just looking to avoid the hangover. Whatever the reason, you or your companion wants to skip the alcohol shouldn't meet you can't have fun! Push the water aside and opt for this lovely non-alcoholic semi-sparkling wine! Not only is the bottle pretty but the contents tastes pretty incredible - you won't even miss the alcohol a bit!
Wine: Sparkling Wine, Alcohol-Free Wine
Place of Origin: Germany
Manufacturer: Weingut Metzger; Langgasse 34, 67269 Grünstadt-Asselheim
Alcohol Content: Non-Alocholic
Sweetness: Sweet